Lil' Fang (FAKY)とYup'inがLAから来た期待の新世代ミューズ"LIZ"、"Radical Hardcore Clique"そして"Onitsuka Tiger"とコラボレーションしたオリジナルソング&スペシャルムービーがVOGUEにて公開!
Lil' Fang and Yup'in collaborated with "LIZ" and "Radical Hardcore Clique" to write a song for "Onitsuka Tiger" and "VOGUE"!

VOGUE JAPAN企画にて、Lil' Fang(FAKY)とYup'inがMad Decentに所属する新世代ミューズ「LIZ」と
FAMM'IN「circle」も手掛けた「Radical Hardcore Clique」とともに、Onitsuka Tigerのために制作されたオリジナル曲を披露!
キーワードは“Luxury”。今シーズンのポップなOnitsuka TigerとLIZのキュートな歌声をモードに昇華してできた曲は…?

Lil' Fang and Yup'in collaborated with LIZ, who's song was included in the Sound Track CD of "Amazing Spider Man 2" and "Radical Hardcore Clique" who wrote FAMM'IN's "circle"!
They wrote a brand new song titled "Luxury" for "VOGUE" and "Onitsuka Tiger"! For more details, check out the link below!

Onitsuka Tiger × Lil' Fang(FAKY) + Liz (MAD DECENT) + Yup'in “Luxury”

VOGUE LIZ Sprcial Interview

Performed by Lil' Fang(FAKY) / Liz / Yup'in Written by Fz / Invaders / Lil' Fang / Liz / Yup'in Music produced by Radical Hardcore Clique / maximum10 Movie directed by 2nd function(avex music creative)