- 2018.05.18
- 音声ARコンテンツ「AWALK」の第一弾コンテンツとして、「AWALK in SHIBUYA by FAMM’IN」が5月18日(金)より「AWA」にて配信スタート!
The 1st content of sound AR contents “AWALK”, “AWALK in SHIBUYA by FAMM’IN” is now available on AWA from today! - 2018.05.10
- 音声による拡張現実(AR)コンテンツの
「渋谷区観光協会」とのコラボレーションによる音声ARコンテンツ、FAMM'IN「AWALK in SHIBUYA by FAMM’IN」が5月18日(金)から配信開始!
"AWALK in SHIBUYA by FAMM'IN", collaborated with Shibuya Tourism Association, will be available on AWA from May. 18th as the 1st content of "SARF", an AR contents business project! - 2017.03.29
- FAMM'IN「animus」が遂にiTunes/Apple Musicで全世界配信スタート!
FAMM'IN's new track "animus"is now available! - 2017.02.18
- 2/25(土)Bリーグ「サンロッカーズ渋谷 X 京都ハンナリーズ」戦ハーフタイムショーにFAKY/FEMM/Yup'inからなるガールズユニティー「FAMM'IN」で出演!
FAMM'IN, a joined project of FAKY, FEMM and Yup'in, will perform at the half time show of the B LEAGUE game "Sun Rockers Shibuya X Kyoto Hannaryz" on Feb. 25th! - 2017.01.13
- Lil' Fang (FAKY)とYup'inがLAから来た期待の新世代ミューズ"LIZ"、"Radical Hardcore Clique"そして"Onitsuka Tiger"とコラボレーションしたオリジナルソング&スペシャルムービーがVOGUEにて公開!
Lil' Fang and Yup'in collaborated with "LIZ" and "Radical Hardcore Clique" to write a song for "Onitsuka Tiger" and "VOGUE"! - 2016.12.16
- 12/24(土)Bリーグ「サンロッカーズ渋谷 X 滋賀レイクスターズ」戦ハーフタイムショーにFAMM'INが出演!
FAMM'IN will perform at the half time show of the B LEAGUE game "Sun Rockers Shibuya X Shiga Lake Stars" on Dec. 24th! - 2016.12.06
- 12/9(金)「SHIBUYA ILLUMINATION 2016 点灯式」に出演!
FAMM'IN will perform at "SHIBUYA ILLUMINATION 2016 lighting ceremony" on Dec. 9th! - 2016.10.03
- FAMM'INが渋谷区観光大使パフォーマンスアンバサダーに就任!!
FAMM'IN has been assigned as the Shibuya performance ambassador! - 2016.07.25
- FAMM'INが8/8(月)『Campus Summit 2016 -DREAM PROJECT- Powered by MiRu × FRESH! by AbemaTV × modelpress』に出演!
FAMM'IN will perform at "Campus Summit 2016 -DREAM PROJECT- Powered by MiRu × FRESH! by AbemaTV × modelpress" on Aug. 8th! - 2016.07.08
- FAMM'INがAVC発の巨大LED空間で、新曲の雅楽グライム「Animus」を発表。
- 2016.07.23
- FAMM'INが福岡のミュージックフェス「MOMOCHIHAMA “BEAT JACK” in Fukuoka」に出演!!全出演者決定!!&タイムテーブル発表!!
FAMM'IN will perform at "MOMOCHIHAMA “BEAT JACK” in Fukuoka"!! All acts and the timetable are revealed!! - 2016.05.26
- 今週末行われる『FAMM’IN TYO #0』のゲストが決定!
We have guest artists for "FAMM'IN TYO #0" on May 24th! - 2016.05.26
- FAMM'IN「circle (Radical Hardcore Remix)」のビデオを公開!
FAMM'IN "circle (Radical Hardcore Remix)" video has been released! - 2016.05.09
- 『FAMM'IN』が初の自主イベントを5/28(土)に渋谷で開催!!
FAMM'IN will have their own event on May. 28th! - 2016.05.02
- AIR-G‘FM北海道「今井大介のRide The Beat」にゲスト出演!
- 2016.04.26
- FAKY、FEMM、Yup'inの3組からなるユニット「FAMM'IN (フェイミン)」結成!
初となるDigital E.P.「FAMM'IN」を本日リリース!!
FAKY, FEMM and Yup'in collaborates as a unit called "FAMM'IN (fei-min)"!!
The first digital E.P."FAMM'IN" has been released today!!

- 2017.02.25
- 2/25(土)Bリーグ「サンロッカーズ渋谷 X 京都ハンナリーズ」戦ハーフタイムショーにFAKY/FEMM/Yup'inからなるガールズユニティー「FAMM'IN」で出演!
FAMM'IN, held together FAKY, FEMM and Yup'in, will perform at the half time show of the B LEAGUE game "Sun Rockers Shibuya X Kyoto Hannaryz" on Feb. 25th! - 2016.05.28
- 『FAMM'IN』が初の自主イベントを5/28(土)に渋谷で開催!!
FAMM'IN will have their own event on May. 28th!

軽やかに街を彩る一翼がFAKY・FEMM・Yup’in の『7人の女』からなる一派だ。
2016年には、ホームタウンである渋谷区の観光大使 / パフォーマンス・アンバサダーに就任。
『animus (アニムス)』とは、ユングの説において "女性の中の無意識の男性的特性" を意味する言葉であり、
楽曲は前作に続き「Radical Hardcore Clique」をトラックメーカーに迎え、「Lil' Fang (from FAKY)」と「Yup'in」によって制作された雅楽フィーチャーにラップ・ミュージック。他に類を見ない独創的なトラックメイキングに、ラップをベースにしつつも歌とも語りともとれるユニークなボーカルワークが特異な質感を醸し出している。
昨年、幕張メッセで行われた「第3回ライブ&イベント産業展」において、最先端映像機材を有する「AVC(株式会社映像センター)」とインタラクティヴMVの先駆者「2nd Function」と「maximum10」、そして、世界的評価の高いクリエイター集団「BRDG」とタッグを組んで行われた超巨大LEDとモーション・キャプチャーを駆使したショーを撮影したミュージック・ビデオは、イギリスが誇るカルチャーメディア「Dazed and Confused Magazine」本国から異例となるプレミアとして発信されている。
Not yet an adult but not a child anymore. “TYO (Tokyo)” is the city that keeps updating its bottomless street culture.
Formed by FAKY, FEMM and Yup’in, FAMMIN is the 7 girl group that colors the TYO scene which is always segments itself further and digs deeper to find new culture. These 3 groups have been releasing their music around the same time and collaborating each other.
FAKY seeks the reality, FEMM embodies the virtual and Yup’in speaks for the street.
The name of their group came naturally since their passion for their respective crafts kept expanding and growing as they worked and collaborated together more and more.
FAMM’IN was named using two letters from each group’s moniker. There is no particular meaning to it except that it symbolizes the unity of the three groups.
In 2016, they were assigned to be sightseeing ambassadors and performance ambassadors of their hometown, Shibuya.
“Animus” is the masculine inner personality of the female unconscious according to Jung theory. This concept is reflected in this song’s track, lyrics, visuals and styling.
The track is Gagaku featuring rap music produced by Lil' Fang (from FAKY) and Yup'in. The same as the last song, it was co-produced by Radical Hardcore Clique. The creative track along with its unique vocals, which are based on rap and performed in a singing/talking style, create an unusual and special feel to the song’s sound.
The music video that was shot live used a large LED and motion capture was recorded at the 3rd Live and Event Expo in Makuhari Messe last summer. For that show, they collaborated with AVC, 2nd Function (the pioneer of interactive MV,) maximum10 and BRDG (the globally popular creative group.) Also, the music video was introduced as “Dazed premiere” from Dazed and Confused Magazine (Dazed), the popular culture media magazine in England. It is unusual to receive such acclaim from the headquarter of media in England.
グループ名である“FAKY (フェイキー)”とは、自らを“FAKY=FAKEのよう”と名乗ることで、現在の音楽シーンの中で逆説的に“リアル”を体現するグループを目指すという意気込みを表現している。
Fake or not fake?
The Alternative Girl Group from Tokyo
The name FAKY was originally derived from the word ‘FAKE’ to challenge themselves to bring something new and real to the Japanese music scene. With four different personalities and styles, the girls are ready to come together as "one" to share their passion and joy for music to the world. -
意思を持つマネキン「RiRi(リリ)」と「LuLa (ルラ)」からなるDANCE&RAPデュオ。
2014年に発表した『Fxxk Boyz Get Money』は、タイトル通りの過激なラップとコケティッシュなTWERKダンスで、欧米のティーンを中心にスマッシュ・ヒット。
多角的に隙なく生み出される新たなジャパニーズ・ビジュアライゼーションは、世界中のクリエイターらが恋するこの2体のマネキンを「TOKYO POP」のニュー・アイコンへと強く押し上げ続けるだろう。
After the influential entertainment blogger Perez Hilton (6 million Twitter followers) and popular YouTuber Miles Jai introduced FEMM’s twerkin’ & provocative lyric music video "Fxxk Boyz Get Money" as the new girls anthem, the single has gone on to be a smash hit among the teenage girls from the US and throughout Europe. Furthermore, FEMM has been covered by various media throughout the world including VICE and MTV IGGY in the US. A-class producers across the globe create their music which come along with incredible music videos for every track they've released featuring the avant-garde choreography by Hidali. FEMM are extraordinary "mannequin" dance duo! -
One more unique and talented female singer has appeared. Her name is Yup’in. Her biggest attraction is her vocal. It can be described as rough, wild or naughty? Her unique rough and tough voice puts the spirit in the lyrics. She doesn’t like to lose and hates anyone who is intrusive to her world. Based on her individualism, her dream is to create a planet with selfless love. She is getting strong support from people because of her straight forward and faithful attitude, powerful live performance and fashion.